Friday, April 24, 2009

My Dinosaur.

I got to see my little dinosaur this past Monday and got some amazing pictures of him. This is Mr. Beefy, my blue pit. Hes not quite old enough yet to bring him home. We get him at the end of May when we move into our new place. So here he is. I love him. The last picture is of Chopper, his dad.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Adventures in Skullie...

I finally took some new pictures of Skullie Land and thought I would post them for everyone to see :) This is my pride and joy, definitely one of my favorites. I tried to get some closeups of all of the tiny details. Candy Land was always my favorite game...

Many Thank Yous!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has already been supportive. Starting this blog and seeing how many people are so successful inspires and motivates me to get back on the horse and start painting/drawing again. So mannnny thank yous to everyone, I really appreciate it!

My Gift To You <3

So Im not too sure what inspired this drawing but Im extremely pleased with the result. I call it "My Gift to You". Some people Ive shown think its morbid but it totally makes sense to me. Hope you like it :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tiny Little Atreyu

This is my latest masterpiece. I have long aspired to have a sleeve tattooed on me of the Neverending Story. This small picture is of Atreyu and Artex sitting by a river (no river drawn yet). I plan for this to be the start of my sleeve and will be located on my wrist. I placed the picture next to a pen so you can see the actual size.


Hi there! So as you can see, I am new to this whole "thing" known as blogging. My mom ( really likes it and recommended it, so I thought I might give it a try.